Enb Gta Iv For Low Pc
Phoenix Cinematic ENB - For Low End PC. Requirements Off-site requirements. Mod name Notes; ENBSeries V0112 Kage: Permissions and credits Author's instructions. File credits. Phoenix Cinematic ENB - For Low End PC By TheSlaayer. Donation Points system. This mod is not opted-in to receive Donation Points.
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12.7 (current)210,617 downloads , 15.3 MB
May 12, 2015
THE HISTORY OF RUMMIKUB. Rummikub is a group of rummy games played with tiles as opposed to cards. The game was introduced to the Western world by its inventor, Ephraim Hertzano. Tile Rummy was introduced in response to religious and legal sanctions on card games due to their association with gambling. Arrange the tiles to create the smartest color and numbers combinations. Will you be the first player to place all tiles and win the match?. The original Rummikub is now available on Google Play for FREE!. Play the classic Rummikub game online with your friends, family or players from all around the World. Rummikub tile game. This version of Rummikub has 106 plastic tiles with numbers in different colors and four dark-blue plastic tile racks to hold the tiles during play. The object is similar to rummy card games, combining your tiles in runs (consecutive numbers in the same color) or sets (groups of the same number).
More mods by emirh08:
- Car
- Skin
More mods in misc category:
- Misc Texture
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- Settings Xml
- Loading
12.7 fixed some settings file to re-ensure texture bugs, tho if you do experience texture bugs I have realised allot of the time it is due to your gpu running on battery and if it is make sure you have the power cord plugged in :)
12.6 'better enb colour but allot better rain optimisation, rain shouldn't slow the game down alot any more, along with it working perfectly and looking nice along with fixing some light reflections so they work without slowing the game down. the image is also 10% less sharper to give it a better and more realistic feel, it should still be a little sharper tho compared to the original game'
12.5 'better color correction that looks alot more natural and less saturated along with better visualsettings.dat file tho i do recommened you test both as the newer version might not be as fast on some computers but i havent had this issue yet.
12.3 'added more color to sweetfx file'
12.2 'guys you do not need to upgrade i just added a 'LAST RESORT' settings file upon request.
12.4 Better looking rain particles while using less gpu power along with proper animation speed of water/puddles/rain instead of high speed like in the last versions, 'LOOKS MUCH BETTER'
12.1 Performance gain and color correction, i think everything should be perfect now.
12 'okay i just like to thank everyone, I hope this version is your faviroute as i have completely remade it, Everything should work fine, if there are any errors however just comment and ile get on it ASAP, thank you guys. New color, HUGE performance increase, and less issues.
11.1 I AM BACKKK BABY NOW READ THE NEW READ ME'S 'Best version yet, New exposure settings making the colour alot better including a better night instead of it being to dark, slight fixes here and there :))) im happy with it. also fixed puddles not appearing sometimes or appearing with low quality. BY FAR THE BEST VERSION JUST DON'T FORGET IF YOUR HAVING TRANSPARENCY PROBLEMS READ THE READ ME'S
10.1 'people whom are getting crashes on start up is due to windows 7 compatibilty issues please make sure to install this http://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=36805 you are welcome'
9.0 FINALE 'MAKE SURE IF USING INTEL HD GRAPHICS TO UGRADE TO THE NEWEST DRIVER BY GOING TO INTELS DRIVER PAGE' 'I tried to fix a few errors by creating another visualsettings file give it ago if your having transparent problems with textures' i like to thank everyone who donated, it wasn't much but it went along way with me friends, thank you.
8.2 small updates to the timecycles along with more settings file to try and fix more texture issues i also created a VERY QUICK video on howto install the mod 'sorry i was rushing i am really busy currently' https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4TTtlWMxxLw
8.1 included a better read me for troubleshooting, included two sweetfx one has lower saturation and sharpness. also included more settings files for people having problems with disappearing textures and see through/transperent vehicles.
8.0 FINALE 'HUGEEEE UPDATE, Fixed a few bugs, I managed to fix the distant textures disappearing 'YESSSS, SHOULD ALSO FIX OTHER TEXTURE ISSUES' And I have now also included Online setting files for people whom want to play online and be able to spot other peoples characters from a distant along with cops and other pedestrians 'EASIER TO SPOT BECAUSE LOD HAS BEEN RAISED' Thank you guys for all the support feedback is much appreciated either good or bad :) The next patch I do will most likely be the final one. Please press the like button you little rascals you.. :D
7.1 'Edited/updated the timecycles alittle to squeeze more performance out of them along with added a option to have lower quality trees and grass to yet again gain that little bit more performance that we are so craving' next im doing a update that has a optional view distance for all systems 'low end-high end' along with a few other tweaks. Going to take some screenshots tomorrow due to people requests :)
7.0 'added the option to remove grass-lod and Terrain tessellation along with fixing a few bugs people where having 'example is Neon is missing for some people now has been fixed' im also working on texture bugs which ile fix very soon, thank you all for the support I hope these updates make you happy.
6.0 'added a extra folder/file to disable HBAO to try and increase fps spalittle'
5.1 GOLD 'I think ive fixed issues with people claiming to have invisible trucks and busses, I have also increased performance once again by editing the timecycle value to lower water reflection detail in the distance, since it cannot be noticed anyway. I have also edited all settings.xml just to have less issues and problems. I edited the Lod and other values to reduce bugs hopefully.
5.0 GOLD 'Big update, changed a few values in all 4 timecycles to improve performance alittle, Newest version of Reshade/sweetfx, changed the colour settings around so the sky is a little less green, 'FOR ALL HAVING CRASHES WITH SWEETFX MAKE SURE TO UPDATE YOUR DIRECTX'
4.1 'Removed DOF, Fixed all settings files to have less traffic pop up while driving, increased lod on peds and vehicles. other minor improvements.
-People where having problems saying it was to washed out and on my tablet i edited my graphics control panel settings to display more color forgetting the game isnt doing it but the intel control panel is, so I changed the color for you guys in the sweetfx settings to display more colour and sharper aswell, looks alot better in my opinion.
-now added puddles that wont slow down your game when it rains
-Sweetfx as seen in the videos. 'does not slow down game at all'
-fixed a vehicle lod problem where some people complained of vehicles spawning right in front of them at high speed 'I ONLY CHANGED THIS ON THE HIGH SETTINGS FOLDER'
video added tho remeber this is running on a tablet and to screen capture i had to drop the settings abit so remeber it looks better then the video really shows. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CdXPRlmlK5Y
First Uploaded:May 12, 2015
Last Updated:October 30, 2015
Last Downloaded:16 minutes ago
All Versions
12.7 (current)210,617 downloads , 15.3 MB
May 12, 2015
More mods by emirh08:
- Car
- Skin
12.7 fixed some settings file to re-ensure texture bugs, tho if you do experience texture bugs I have realised allot of the time it is due to your gpu running on battery and if it is make sure you have the power cord plugged in :)
12.6 'better enb colour but allot better rain optimisation, rain shouldn't slow the game down alot any more, along with it working perfectly and looking nice along with fixing some light reflections so they work without slowing the game down. the image is also 10% less sharper to give it a better and more realistic feel, it should still be a little sharper tho compared to the original game'
12.5 'better color correction that looks alot more natural and less saturated along with better visualsettings.dat file tho i do recommened you test both as the newer version might not be as fast on some computers but i havent had this issue yet.
12.3 'added more color to sweetfx file'
12.2 'guys you do not need to upgrade i just added a 'LAST RESORT' settings file upon request.
12.4 Better looking rain particles while using less gpu power along with proper animation speed of water/puddles/rain instead of high speed like in the last versions, 'LOOKS MUCH BETTER'
12.1 Performance gain and color correction, i think everything should be perfect now.
12 'okay i just like to thank everyone, I hope this version is your faviroute as i have completely remade it, Everything should work fine, if there are any errors however just comment and ile get on it ASAP, thank you guys. New color, HUGE performance increase, and less issues.
11.1 I AM BACKKK BABY NOW READ THE NEW READ ME'S 'Best version yet, New exposure settings making the colour alot better including a better night instead of it being to dark, slight fixes here and there :))) im happy with it. also fixed puddles not appearing sometimes or appearing with low quality. BY FAR THE BEST VERSION JUST DON'T FORGET IF YOUR HAVING TRANSPARENCY PROBLEMS READ THE READ ME'S
10.1 'people whom are getting crashes on start up is due to windows 7 compatibilty issues please make sure to install this http://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=36805 you are welcome'
9.0 FINALE 'MAKE SURE IF USING INTEL HD GRAPHICS TO UGRADE TO THE NEWEST DRIVER BY GOING TO INTELS DRIVER PAGE' 'I tried to fix a few errors by creating another visualsettings file give it ago if your having transparent problems with textures' i like to thank everyone who donated, it wasn't much but it went along way with me friends, thank you.
8.2 small updates to the timecycles along with more settings file to try and fix more texture issues i also created a VERY QUICK video on howto install the mod 'sorry i was rushing i am really busy currently' https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4TTtlWMxxLw
8.1 included a better read me for troubleshooting, included two sweetfx one has lower saturation and sharpness. also included more settings files for people having problems with disappearing textures and see through/transperent vehicles.
8.0 FINALE 'HUGEEEE UPDATE, Fixed a few bugs, I managed to fix the distant textures disappearing 'YESSSS, SHOULD ALSO FIX OTHER TEXTURE ISSUES' And I have now also included Online setting files for people whom want to play online and be able to spot other peoples characters from a distant along with cops and other pedestrians 'EASIER TO SPOT BECAUSE LOD HAS BEEN RAISED' Thank you guys for all the support feedback is much appreciated either good or bad :) The next patch I do will most likely be the final one. Please press the like button you little rascals you.. :D
7.1 'Edited/updated the timecycles alittle to squeeze more performance out of them along with added a option to have lower quality trees and grass to yet again gain that little bit more performance that we are so craving' next im doing a update that has a optional view distance for all systems 'low end-high end' along with a few other tweaks. Going to take some screenshots tomorrow due to people requests :)
7.0 'added the option to remove grass-lod and Terrain tessellation along with fixing a few bugs people where having 'example is Neon is missing for some people now has been fixed' im also working on texture bugs which ile fix very soon, thank you all for the support I hope these updates make you happy.
6.0 'added a extra folder/file to disable HBAO to try and increase fps spalittle'
5.1 GOLD 'I think ive fixed issues with people claiming to have invisible trucks and busses, I have also increased performance once again by editing the timecycle value to lower water reflection detail in the distance, since it cannot be noticed anyway. I have also edited all settings.xml just to have less issues and problems. I edited the Lod and other values to reduce bugs hopefully.
5.0 GOLD 'Big update, changed a few values in all 4 timecycles to improve performance alittle, Newest version of Reshade/sweetfx, changed the colour settings around so the sky is a little less green, 'FOR ALL HAVING CRASHES WITH SWEETFX MAKE SURE TO UPDATE YOUR DIRECTX'
4.1 'Removed DOF, Fixed all settings files to have less traffic pop up while driving, increased lod on peds and vehicles. other minor improvements.
-People where having problems saying it was to washed out and on my tablet i edited my graphics control panel settings to display more color forgetting the game isnt doing it but the intel control panel is, so I changed the color for you guys in the sweetfx settings to display more colour and sharper aswell, looks alot better in my opinion.
-now added puddles that wont slow down your game when it rains
-Sweetfx as seen in the videos. 'does not slow down game at all'
-fixed a vehicle lod problem where some people complained of vehicles spawning right in front of them at high speed 'I ONLY CHANGED THIS ON THE HIGH SETTINGS FOLDER'
video added tho remeber this is running on a tablet and to screen capture i had to drop the settings abit so remeber it looks better then the video really shows. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CdXPRlmlK5Y
First Uploaded:May 12, 2015
Last Updated:October 30, 2015
Last Downloaded: 16 minutes ago
All Versions
12.7 (current)210,617 downloads , 15.3 MB
May 12, 2015
Suitable for Weak pc .
It was tested on NVIDIA GeForce 9600GT (512mb DX10.1).
The game was from 20 fps depending on the weather at the maximum available setting for this video card.
Screenshots are so-and-so, antialiasing is faking, but in the game it looks just great!
Also, you can look at the author's page (in the Readme link), he has a fairly large portfolio of ENB For different configurations.
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