B Burnham Flat Buttons
The button is a 'B & Burnham Extra.' This stands for BENEDICT AND BURNHAM, which was a merger of brass and copper manufacturing companies beginning 1834 and ending 1843. The company later shot a branch out as Waterbury Button company in 1849, the same company that lots of our Civil War buttons are made.
Special thanks to Darren Reynolds of the Firmin and Sons, Ltd. for providing some great information on the company, along with current contact information! (Jan. 2007) This list of backmarks and dates was compiled by a very nice gentleman in England, as well as gathered from Roger Millward's articles in Button Lines, the British Button Society publication and Military Button Manufacturers from the London Directories 1800-1899 by Peter Nayler, plus additions from other nice folks. Bob was kind enough to share his list with me. Thanks so much to Bob Dunn and these other gentlemen for the work that went into this research! I hope this list will be as useful to others as it has been to me! Along with backmarks, another important consideration in studying uniform buttons is the construction and back of the button itself. Carol Cienna has created a wonderful Uniform Button Back Study. I highly recommend you check out this page, along with the rest of her informative site! I welcome any additions or corrections. Please email me with any questions or comments at: Diana's Buttons Thanks for looking! |
Backmarks on British Buttons and the Dates Used
Allen & Moore. 36 Great Hampton Rd. Birmingham (1855-1870) Baddell. Old Square. Birmingham (Pre 1739) Carlyle (Thomas) Ltd. Birmingham (1875) Deakin, Duncombe & Egginton. (1800s) Elliot (William) & Son. Regent St. Birmingham (1717-1800) FIRMIN In 1875 the firm became a Ltd Co with these addresses: Interesting Firmin Tidbits, provided directly from Darren Reynolds of Firmin! In 1981 Firmin became Firmin and Sons, PLC. J R Gaunt and Son was bought by Firmin and Sons in 1991 and remains part of Firmin and Sons Ltd today. Thanks so much for this great information Darren! Firmin's current address: Green, Cadbury & Richards. Friday Works. Summer Row (or Sumner Row). (1860-1876) GAUNT Sydney Griffith, Birmingham. (Circa 1900-1925) Hammond, Turner & Sons. 100 Snowhill. Birmingham (1717-1800) JENNENS Lesdam, Bratt & Co. (1800) Monnery & Gieve. A military tailor not a button maker. Nutting (I) & Sons, later Nutting & Co which combined with Sherlock & Co. (1840-1912) Pinkly smooth unfortunate snort download. At the age of twenty he recorded his first album with Avenged Sevenfold titled. His early influences included. Plant, Green & Manton. (1907) Rawley (Charles). Birmingham (1800s) Sclater & Sons. Edinburgh. (1900s) Thomas, (Sir) Edward. (1800-1850) C&J Weldon, London. (Circa 1880-1910) Backmark list ©2000-2007 by Bob Dunn and Diana Hefti, with THANKS to Roger Millward and Peter Nayler. Last Updated January 31, 2007 |

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