Hajimete Koi O Shita Hi Ni Yomu Hanashi Sub Indo
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Edit this Page- Aired: February 19, 2019
Hajimete Koi wo Shita Hi ni Yomu Hanashi Recent Discussions
6.0/10 - This was a great every character episode!
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Wow! A lot happens in this episode. More than I thought. My notes pretty much take up a whole notebook page! When did that happen!? So I'm just gonna chill and do highlights. Because I think I got a bit OCD on this.There is no way, no how, no Harumi denial strong enough for even Harumi to not see Yuri's feelings. It's scary how clueless, or willfully clueless, Harumi is. I think maybe the studying has fried her brain. Though by the time this episode is done and everything observers have said there is no way she can claim that Yuri doesn't like her. So hopefully the old jokes and back crap can stop. I do like that her boss is trying to help her more as she finally takes her life and role seriously.
Yuri is like screw all you rivals and everyone. I like Harumi and I'm getting her. 'As long I get into Todai . . . I can tell her.' Oh, don't for get: 'Back off! She's mine!' At least they made Yuri irresistible during all those study montages. Plus, he still stops by her place for a morning ride in the summer. So sweet. Man, at this point Todia is just a formality. Because he let's her know he likes her and that he's just waiting for the Todia exam and acceptance. I felt like she gave him a green light. Curse the writing if she's denying it to herself.
I really enjoy Harumi's friend Matsuoka Miwa. It's proof that you can be total opposites, but get each other. Or at leas Miwa het Harumi. Though this episode I loved-loved-loved seeing Miwa get some of her own romance. With who I had hoped she would!! I won't spoil it just encase others had know clue it would happen, but I thought 'these two are totally made for each other!' The whole furtune thing about romance and lucky item green shoes was hilarious. Especially after seeing Miwa work a room to find candidates for a new husband! I do believe Miwa is over helping Masashi. The man is pathetic.
Speaking of Masashi. His character type is one I've always hated. The guy who pines forever, never truly confessing, but then wants the girl once eveyrone else wants her. I know he's tried, but he really didn't get going until there were rivals. The guy only manned up enough to punch Yamashita. I mean Harumi has had boyfriends. Was she supposed to stay chaste for Masashi like he did for her? Please, you don't own her! Then he couldn't figure out that as family who could leak to her parents about a guy staying over? Hello!
Yamashita is cool. I immediately identifies his rivals and lets them know what's what. I agree Masashi is a loser and not really competition. I loved the whole confrontation between Yuri and Yamashita. Yamashita clearly thinking he had the upper hand. Boom! Surprise, 'Back off! She's mine!', is tossed in his face and he has nothing but respect for his TRUE RIVAL Yuri. Yamashita is even cool enough to realize he needs to take Yuri's lead and let Harumi get used to the idea that he likes her. At first after he confessed I thought he was backing out. He realized though that Harumi needs to know, but then have time to think about it. Cause right now she's all about Yuri, and despite what she claims it's more intense then tutor student. He's a smart man. A worthy opponent.
Random things I love how Harumi's curse hit Miwa's shoes and then hit Masashi with a chopstick one! Yamashita's talk that he didn't do more than grabbing Harumi's boob because 'She was passed out drunk there wouldn't be any point.' Um, how about if you did something that would be rape.
So Harumi's lack of confidence in math led me to believe that she would get a tutor for math that would teach him and her. For a moment I even though Yuri might accept a private tutor. Instead Harumi goes behind Yuri's back and even enlists his dad to help get him into the Todia Cram School. Smart and I believe that Harumi is the one who could make him do it. However . . . that new cram tutor's weird eye blinking was the blinking light of danger!! I hope whatever that is doesn't ruin this drama. I get it. They're introducing another older woman who is a 'teacher' to taste Yuri's resolve, love, and interest in Harumi. Still dangerous ground.
While this episode did make Yamashita feel like a contender he's second string. (The rape thing also knocks off huge points so I don't feel bad.) Team Yuri!!!!
Junko Harumi pernah menjadi murid teladan selama masa SMP dan SMA-nya. Dia gagal masuk Universitas Tokyo yang bergengsi dan hidupnya tidak berjalan mulus sejak itu. Dia kesulitan menemukan pekerjaan dan memiliki hubungan romantis. Sekarang, pada usia 31, dia bekerja sebagai guru di sebuah lembaga swasta. 3 pria, yang memiliki tipe berbeda, muncul di depannya. Masashi Yakumo adalah sepupunya tetapi pintar, Kyohei Yuri adalah siswa sekolah menengah yang tidak teratur dan Kazuma Yamashita adalah guru Kyohei di sekolah menengah.