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By Simon Graves
Microsoft Combat Flight Simulator will use the industry standard technology and build on the success of this feature in Flight Simulator 98. # Multiplayer Support. Compete or cooperate with up to eight other pilots in WWII over the Internet or on the MSN Gaming Zone at www.zone.com.
World War 2 flight sims have appeared on store shelves with abundance this holiday season, and as many as four more titles are on the way within months. Of the 'Big Three' for sale right now Combat Flight Simulator, European Air Warrior, and WWII Fighters Microsoft's CFS appeared first and thus 'won the race to retail.' Getting there ahead of the competition normally means rushing development and overlooking a lot of bugs, but Combat Flight Simulator is practically bug-free, a rarity in today's gaming industry. (There are, however, some problematic CDs that won't finish the install process, but that's a manufacturing issue.) So how does CFS stack up against EAW and WWIIF? Well, to start, its relative lack of gameplay is no threat to those other titles. Even without the inevitable comparison, I would find this to be a serious weakness in the game. But what CFS does well, it does much better than the others.
The Microsoft Flight Simulator series is the best selling computer game franchise ever. Despite that, it's never really been a serious gamer's cup of tea. Simulations have always been niche products, and Flight Simulator chooses to re-create the dreariest of worlds: civilian piloting. True, devoted end-user and third-party developers have crafted a countless number of military aircraft that are available as Flight Simulator imports, but none of these can fire a single bullet.
All that 'look, but no kill' has come to an end for the Flight Simulator faithful at last. Combat Flight Simulator brings all of the strengths of a product line now seeing its eighth release: a deep and realistic flight model, gorgeous graphics, and the very open-ended architecture that has defined the series. But this is the first attempt at a true game, and it falls short in many areas. Although CFS is a dream-come-true for the Flight Simulator fanatic and makes an ideal starter kit for those new to World War II fighter combat, this sim's life on your hard drive will be determined by those very same devoted end-users and third-party developers, not on CFS's own merits.
Recreating dogfights over the skies of Europe, Combat Flight Simulator is the first in what Microsoft hopes will be the 'WWII Europe Series.' (I'm sure they'd love a 'Pacific' series with many add-ons as well.) Eight flyable aircraft are present, along with 25 single missions, two campaigns that are flyable from either side, and, of course, multiplayer. Training missions are available as well, offering unique animation of maneuvers that can be played as a movie prior to attempting the technique. No mission builder is included, but Microsoft's CFS webpage offers a download for a spreadsheet template that functions as an editor that is, as long as you have Excel 97. (What did you expect? Many on the team are former Excel programmers, and this is Microsoft we're talking about.) Giving a nod to CFS's heritage, a free flight mode is available, as well as an option for some quick combat. Furthermore, we now have a Microsoft game that actually comes with a decent 200-page manual, chock full of useful and pertinent information. Although the manual could benefit from a little more detail in some areas (not all manuals can be like Falcon 4's), it does include some wonderful cartoons by artist George Rarey. As far as graphics and performance are concerned, if you've got the hardware, it can be all very impressive. So on the surface of things, CFS seems to have all the bases covered. However, each feature isn't as fully fleshed out as it could have been, collectively adding up to counter whatever positive strides this title has made.
For the most part, the flight model is arguably the best of the recently released WW2 simulations. (The upcoming Screamin' Demons or Luftwaffe Commander might contend for this honor if the betas are any indication, and I'm sure Fighter Duel 2 will make some noise as well.) CFS sports a significant refinement of the Flight Simulator 98 model, the most notable addition being the separately modeled engine and propeller characteristics. Judging flight models is always a matter of opinion and is subjective at best, but CFS simply gives a greater amount of 'feel' when it comes to the handling and most other effects. While all of these recent WWII sims model expected behavior speed bleed in the turns with loss of altitude, stalls, overspeed and compression, torque, spins, sideslips, each plane having its advantages and weaknesses, etc. I feel CFS wins out in most areas.
The major exception is the spin model. Stalls occur in a variety of instances and are done well enough, even though the text-only warning messages are no substitute for a better audible or visual clue. But the results that follow are just plain odd. Spins can often be the most common event to follow a stall, but a plane in CFS is more likely to tumble or cartwheel instead, magically correcting itself after a flip or two. Kiss x sis episode 2 mobile download. For a while, I thought it might be my erratic flying. Maybe I was pulling too many wild maneuvers? But when my plane would constantly flip in mid-air after being too close to bursts of flak, I knew it wasn't just me. It's easy to get into trouble in CFS, but too easy to get out of it and for all the wrong reasons, assuming you have the altitude. Only down low is there really any sense of being 'scared' if the plane gets away from you.
There is one other oddity, but it should be filed under gameplay rather than flight model. It has to do with the sense of speed and closure rates relative to the other aircraft. When on an enemy's tail and following him through evasive maneuvers, it's as if he hangs there in suspension, yet somehow keeps ahead of you. Planes that fly by you go past as if in slow motion. Log into the Internet Gaming Zone for some quick multiplayer and the planes behave as one would expect, thus making the offline contrast even more startling.
Short of a very fast 3D board and equally capable Pentium II system with lots of RAM, frame-rates can be quite low in the thick of battle, regardless of the advances made to the FS98 engine. The terrain put forth by CFS is the best looking of the bunch, incorporating photorealistic tilesets that fare well down on the deck and generally appear better the higher up you go. The sky, however, is the graphical antithesis of the terrain: It looks horrible. The transition from the ground to the sky across the horizon is as stark and bleak as the clouds are pathetic. The planes look fairly decent, but nowhere near as nice as those found in Jane's World War II Fighters. Although pretty, the explosions occur as an imposed and disjointed effect. They are the same every time, and often seem 'out of sync' with the amount and type of damage done. Preceding the pyrotechnics, however, is a satisfying stream of debris and smoke that fly off the aircraft, giving us by far the most accurate attempt yet at the re-creation of classic gun camera footage. The 2D cockpit panels are positively stunning and somewhat interactive via mouse clicks. This is in contrast to the merely functional, and somewhat uninspired, 3D-rendered virtual cockpits seen when in padlock.
Outside of the plane, you have moving control surfaces, but from inside the cockpit, only a static bitmap image of wings are in view. If end-users can create movable control surfaces that are visible from inside the cockpit, why didn't Microsoft? Furthermore, looking out the window and seeing what is damaged would be nice too. Currently the only way to tell is from a brief text message or the plane's poor performance once you've been shot up. However, if you have force-feedback enabled, it does a very nice job of conveying what's wrong or not working. Although the detailed damage model allows the possibility for all sorts of things to go wrong, something seems amiss when it comes to the expected results. Far too many times I've been shot up pretty badly, only to press 'x' and skip all the way back home to England.
All of Europe is modeled, so feel free to fly over 200 miles in real-time across the English Channel to your target. If impatient, you can fly there in 'accelerated' mode, but at the most realistic of settings, you better pay attention to your engine temperature, prop, and fuel mixtures if you want to make it. That's why most will simply choose to 'skip' to the battle. Unfortunately, this often dumps you in the middle of the impending fight without allowing you a chance to set up the battle to your advantage. (You could get there via autopilot/acceleration, thus gaining more altitude prior to the dogfight, but it's not very user-friendly and still takes quite a while).
Once in battle, it's very tempting to make use of the 3D positional cone to track your target. (Its incorporation was brilliant.) The AI fly by the same rules of physics as you do and make their decisions based on the position of their joystick axis. They thus appear to behave realistically, and you won't see any cheating. Although the enemy doesn't make enough use of the vertical, the AI often defeats you with sheer numbers and with very accurate shooting in head-on passes. At the hardest of settings, it is very difficult to survive a mission in CFS when there are a lot of planes are in the air, especially when the situational awareness aids are turned off. In a simple 1vs1, however (and sometimes 1vs2, 3, 4, etc.), the AI isn't much of a challenge. Furthermore, the campaigns are nothing more than a linked series of missions. I don't have a problem with their repetitive nature missions in World War II were often the same thing over and over again, and it's the combat that's fun part but you don't even need to survive to move on. This effectively kills any player motivation.
Multiplayer works fairly well via the Internet Gaming Zone. I only saw a minimum amount of warp when I flew with others who had good ping times. However, multiplay is the typical free-for-all or team deathmatch affair. You can't reload when you land, like in Raptor Air War, so you'll have to crash when you run out of bullets. (You can set the game to Unlimited Ammo, but this ruins the notion of ammo conservation, which should be an important tactic.) Cooperative missions like those found in EAW or WWIIF would have been fantastic here; it's a shame CFS doesn't offer anything similar. I advise that you play in games with restricted plane types so that modified aircraft are not allowed. It's far too easy otherwise to increase a gun's lethality or to alter a flight model to one's advantage. If you are flying with people you trust, some great fun can be had with a variety of plane combinations, representing all sorts of eras.

Much has been made of the ability to import a variety of aircraft and terrain into CFS and for good cause: It's the single biggest reason for the franchise's success. From the look of things, that will probably be true for this title as well. Indeed, it's almost as if Microsoft is relying upon this fact, hoping certain gaps and weaknesses will be lessened, if not filled in outright. So who knows, maybe someone will come up with a better campaign system, provide some more multiplayer options, or at the very least, create the ability to give commands to the AI wingmen. I don't think plane add-on packs will be enough it's going to take something more substantial than that.
Speaking of planes, everyone has mentioned the ability to simply drag-and-drop your favorite FS plane into a folder and ouil, new plane to fly in CFS. With so many custom-designed planes out there already, all sorts of interesting dogfights are possible at least in theory. All those planes are based upon the FS98 flight model, which is nowhere near as refined as that found in CFS. The imported planes may fly, but they will never fly as well as a plane designed for CFS from the start. It would be better for end-users to take the FM of an existing CFS flyable plane and use the .air files as a starting point, rather than trying to refine a flight model that's come over from FS98. Furthermore, since most of the new refinements are in the engine and the props, any jet aircraft that's imported won't really derive any new benefits. It will fly pretty much the same as it did in FS98.
Ultimately, Combat Flight Simulator gives exactly what fans of the series have longed for, and it has made some inroads into World War II combat realism not yet seen in other titles. But as an overall game, Combat Flight Simulator doesn't hold up very well when compared to the lasting value of, say, European Air War. If third-party developers can come up with some significant enhancements, Microsoft might very well have provided the essential template for all sorts of wonderful add-ons. Barring that, this 'WWII Combat Series' will be a short-lived one.
-- Gordon Berg
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